Cara Delevingne Bares All In Sexy Nude Photo Shoot
The British supermodel turned ‘Suicide Squad’ star got naked for Esquire U.K.
Despite having made a killing in the fashion game, model turned actress Cara Delevingne seems positively adverse to clothing in her recent cover shoot for Esquire U.K.
In the shadowy shots by photographer Simon Emmett, the British beauty gave a number of provocative poses, all without a stitch of the high-end wares she’s normally modeling.

“I mean, on a list of things that are important to me clothes are pretty low down,” she revealed to the British glossy.
“I’ve never had that many designer clothes. I would never spend a lot of money on one thing. I just think that’s ridiculous.”

While her anti-clothing sentiments have produced some pretty stellar photo shoots, they could risk ruffling feathers in the fashion community.
“The fashion industry is about surface,” the Suicide Squad star said about her recent pivot to an acting career. “It’s not about being yourself.”

We’re hesitant to pick sides, but we’d rather see Cara feeling her best in the buff than in a $5,000 tweed jacket any day.