Check Out the Sexy Instagram Dedicated to the Hottest Girls at Burning Man

Screengrab from "One Day at Burning Man"

Screengrab from "One Day at Burning Man"

In the video above you get a whirlwind look at one day at Burning Man. It was made in 2017, but it should give you a good sense as to what’s up at this year’s Burning Man, which takes place in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert. 

Burning Man kicked off Saturday and lasts through Sept. 3. That means it’s really just begun—we’ll see many more videos and photos in the days to come.

There’s nothing like Burning Man. It’s like Woodstock (the original) in the Mad Max universe with extra chaos and sex on top. 

And while sunrise and sunset in the desert is beautiful and the art at the festival is anywhere from fascinating to ridiculous, the women are the human highlights of Burning Man. 

Burnergirls is the Instagram dedicated to those weird, wild women and it’s got a little bit of everything. The pics are from several years of the festival, and every one of them is worth a look. Some of the best are below.

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