Demi Lovato Says She Is Sexually ‘Fluid’ in Revealing New Interview
“I like the freedom of being able to flirt with whoever I want.”

Demi Lovato shocked (and titillated) her “Lovatics” (that’s what her fans are called) in her full-length YouTube documentary Simply Complicated when she professed an openness to dating both men and women.
In a new interview with InStyle, the 25-year-old pop star explained her dating predilections a tad further, revealing that she identifies as “fluid.” It means your sexuality might shift or evolve overtime… from dating guys to girls and then back again.
“I’m very fluid, and I think love is love,” Lovato said, echoing similar sentiments from Miley Cyrus, who identifies as the similar “pansexual.”
“You can find it in any gender. I like the freedom of being able to flirt with whoever I want.”
A lot of said flirting goes down in the DMs, Lovato also revealed. That would explain her “sorry not sorry” approach with Superman actor Henry Cavill.
— tyler oakley // schedule pinned (@tyleroakley) January 30, 2018
“I’m normally the first one to make the move. I’m always the one who says, ‘Let me get your number.’ Or I slide into their DMs on Instagram.”
We are awaiting our DM slide, Ms. Lovato.