Watch Gigi Hadid Kick and Punch Her Way Through a Steamy Workout for the LOVE Advent Calendar

Gigi Hadid
Image: YouTube/LOVE TV by LOVE Magazine

Image: YouTube/LOVE TV by LOVE Magazine

Gigi Hadid is a flaming-hot force to be reckoned with in the 11th day of this year’s LOVE Advent Calendar.

Wearing custom red workout gear from her Tommy Hilfiger collection, the 22-year-old supermodel works up a sweat as she shadowboxes and kicks her way through a steamy workout session. 

“I love seeing everyone else’s videos,” Hadid said of her video. “It’s celebratory of epic human beings and always pushes boundaries.”

“The fashion circle is a family, so the Love Advent kind of feels like a Holiday Year Book in a way. Headmaster Grand style.” 

Having already featured Doutzen Kroes, Madison Beer, Emily Ratajkowski and Ashley Graham, it’s hard to believe LOVE isn’t even halfway through their sexy countdown to Christmas. 

Check out the latest and greatest Instagram shots from LOVE’s most recent star below: 

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