Celebrate Kendall Jenner’s Birthday With Her Hottest Photos Ever
Our favorite Kardashian clan member turns 22 today.

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Her killer track record—an ultra-lucrative modeling career, a Vogue cover and too many racy ad campaigns to count—belies her young age. But make no mistake, Kendall Jenner just turned 22 today.
Her first year as a full-fledged adult didn’t come without difficulty. Months after big sister Kim Kardashian was traumatized in the now-infamous Paris robbery, the supermodel lost $200,000 worth of precious jewelry when looters broke into her Hollywood Hills home.
Then there was that universally panned Pepsi commercial… enough said.
Despite all the turmoil, Kendall continued to blow us away in sultry features for La Perla, V, and Love. Blake Griffin: you are one lucky bastard.

Celebrate her big day with 15 smoldering moments in the gallery above, and her hottest ‘grams of the year below: