Happy Birthday, Emilia Clarke


She’s been called Khaleesi, the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryern, and even Sarah Connor, but today Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke has another title: birthday girl.

The British stunner, who shot to fame as the dragon-commanding empress on HBO’s hit fantasy series, holds the crown as the most beguiling beauty on an R-rated show full of gorgeous actresses, half-nude brothel babes and sexy Tyrion Lannister squeezes.

Her character’s metamorphosis from timid trophy bride to war-mongering queen lit fanboy crushes like dragon fire, while Clarke’s real-life fondness for threesomes only further inflamed nerdy libidos everywhere.

Clarke, whose Game of Thrones buzz landed her a star turn in Terminator: Genisys, was a little-known London stage actress before being cast on the George R.R. Martin spectacle in 2010. She is next set to grace the big screen in 2019’s Last Christmas.

Congrats on your continued success, Emilia. Here’s wishing you the Mother of Birthdays.

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