Happy Birthday, Salma Hayek

Can you believe she turns 50 today?

Is there any current actress with the enduring, overwhelming sex appeal of Salma Hayek? Ever since this gorgeous Mexican bombshell first scorched retinas as a snake-wearing stripper in From Dusk Till Dawn, we’ve been waiting for her stone-cold perfection to abate, but as she turns 50(!) today, she’s more mind-bogglingly beautiful than ever. 

And lest you think we’re unduly obsessing over Salma’s stunning looks, she also possesses some seriously impressive acting chops. Forget about her acclaimed turn as the unibrowed Mexican painter Fridha Kahlo in that 2002 biopic you never got around to watching, and consider that she had to pretend to be Kevin James’ love interest in Here Comes The Boom. 

We love you, Kev, but you’re just not in Salma’s league. But then again, nobody really is. (With the exception, of course, of her billionaire husband, French tycoon Francois Henri Pinault). 

But hey, we’re not here to wonder what might have been if we had inherited a massive luxury goods fortune and then managed to catch Salma’s eye—we’re here to salute her, in all her super-sexy glory. 

Celebrate Salma’s 50th with the sizzling slideshow above. 

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