Hot 10: Aja Naomi King

This TV starlet is finally getting the attention she deserves.

Aja Naomi King was fortunate to have a hell of a mentor. After the 29-year-old actress, who grew up planning to become a doctor, decided to make a go of it in the performing arts, she turned to close family friend Angela Bassett for advice. A couple of years, and a graduate degree from Yale, later, she headed West in search of TV work. She spent a few episodes hanging out with Donnie Wahlberg on Blue Bloods, but chose to move on. She now plays a tenacious law student opposite Viola Davis on ABC’s new hit How to Get Away with Murder

Aja gave Maxim some tips on showing a little skin, the proper way to curse, and the best part of Cara Delevingne.

A man can get my attention by smiling at me, and then coming over and talking to me. The best way to get a girl’s attention is to start a conversation. I’ve never given my phone number to someone on the street, but when someone is a gentleman, I appreciate the compliments.

My favorite spot to hang out is my home. The alcohol is already paid for and I feel very comfortable.

My favorite curse word would probably be “fuck” because the actual saying of the word is so violent. Your teeth have to meet your lips to really get into the word and say it correctly to adequately equivocate the emotion you’re feeling at the time.

I have a girl crush on Olivia Munn so much, especially on “Newsroom.” And Cara Delevingne, but who doesn’t love her face? Viola Davis is my acting crush.

If I had a free afternoon, I would play music, sit in my backyard, and drink coffee. That just seems really nice to me right now.

I feel most sexy wearing thigh highs. I love thigh highs, heels, shorts, or a skirt. Just thigh highs are sexy, that cover up, and that bit of flesh poking out. I don’t think anyone feels sexy in cute underwear; it’s just uncomfortable.

My ideal date would involve a park or rowing in those little boats on a lake. I’d also like to take a cocktail making class. Those two things would be great to do on a date, they seem ideal to me.

A man should be well groomed. If you’re going to have facial hair, it should be a choice, not an accident.

My favorite food has to be Mexican food. I’ve been leaning more towards sushi lately because it’s so delicious and filling and I can actually get up and walk around afterwards. I don’t need to go into a food coma after dinner.

I’m going to ride this train as long as I can and hope it takes me to some great places.

Photos by Collin Levin

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