Hot 10: Erica Cerra
‘The 100’ starlet on her favorite body part, what she looks for in a guy and her biggest female crush.

It’s all about fantasy for Erica Cerra. The Vancouver native is no stranger to playing make believe on television, tackling a wide variety of roles from the superhero-themed Smallville to sci-fi’s Battlestar Galactica. While the rising starlet claims she recalls all of her past job opportunities for their individual reasons, it was her time as Deputy Jo Lupo on Syfy’s Eureka that truly stands out in her mind. “I would say my role on that show was the most educational for me as a young actress,” Cerra told Maxim.
Despite the network’s decision not to extend the popular series past a sixth season, we’ve still been lucky enough to see the beautiful brunette impress us on the small screen. Her latest role on CW’s The 100 has shifted reality to a dystopian world, 97 years after a devastating nuclear war decimates almost all of life on Earth. Cerra latched onto the futuristic series at the end of season 2 as Alie, a vital asset involved in saving what’s left of the human race.
The future may be in trouble, but with Erica Cerra around, we should all be just fine.

We spoke to Cerra about her ideal date, playing it simple, and loving her backside.
1. What is your favorite curse word to use?
Fuck, because it sounds awesome and means so much and nothing at all at the same time!
2. What do wear to feel your sexiest?
Jeans and a white tee.
3. What’s something on your bucket list that you’ve yet to accomplish?
Travel more: Europe, Asia, Antarctica. You name it, I wanna go!
4. Do you have a favorite part of your body?
[laughs] Eyes, or maybe my lips. Others would say my backside.
5. How can a guy get your attention?
Make me laugh.

6. Are you crushing on any ladies right now?
Yup! Angelina Jolie – always.
7. What would you do on your ideal date?
Dinner and talking. NO movies, you learn nothing about one another.
8. What’s the worst pick-up line you’ve ever heard?
Anything that starts with “Hey!”
9. How do you prefer your man to be styled?
I like masculine men. T-shirt and jeans, simple! No pretty boys or suits for me.
10. So what’s next for you
Something wonderful….
All fired up? Check out the other sexy ladies to grace our ‘Hot 10’ column.