Hot 10: Jen Widerstrom

America’s hottest personal trainer will get you working up a sweat.

Jen Widerstrom is committed to the cause: the gorgeous personal trainer helps people look and feel their best through a holistic approach.

She’s been implementing her practice as one of the newest trainers on NBC’s popular weight loss show, The Biggest Loser. This opportunity pushed her to the top of the fitness world, allowing her to share her lifestyle practices and principles with various daytime talk shows and fitness magazines. 

When we caught up with her, she told Maxim all about her love for Milla Jovovich, the ideal date, and how to make her do a double take.

I feel the sexiest when I’m wearing just the sheets.

My drink of choice is completely mood based! But usually it’s Don Julio Anejo neat with a slice of orange on the side. 

TheFifth Element is a movie I will never get burned out on. Not only is Milla such a badass female action hero…but she’s truly a soldier of love, which is what I stand for. I love Bruce Willis’s tough, playful vibe throughout the film too and I think overall the message of the movie just fits right in my heart. You need love to make this world go around!

There’s nothing that stands out to me more than when a man knows AND owns who he is.

The ideal date for me involves a restaurant I’ve never been to with red vino and a lot of laughs.

I love cheese. I’m just obsessed with it. Fried. Baked. In my omelet. On a sandwich. I could eat it with everything or even by itself!

A man has to put some thought in to grooming but he also can’t be too perfect either. I need a man! If he has a bit of a beard and some hair on his chest, I’m sold. 

I love a guy with his own style…but also when a guy rocks a baseball cap and lets a little hair wing out on the sides. It makes my head turn fast!

Emmanuelle Chriqui should be on the Maxim Hot 100. This lady is stunning inside and out. 

As for what’s next, my book and filming this next season of The Biggest Loser!

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