Here Are the Hottest Models in America’s Next Top Model History

They're all winners to us. 

Tyra Banks is ready to pull the plug on America’s Next Top Model.

After an outrageous 22 cycles, ANTM will walk its last runway after being canceled by the CW this week. The series began in 2003, and the show’s 12-year run not only introduced the world to some seriously outrageous slang (what the fuck is a “smize”?), but blossomed into a media empire with several international spin-offs as one of the first fashion reality shows to hit network TV.

But there was always a more important part of ANTM for those not steeped in high fashion: a rotating roster of beautiful angels in the form of innocent amateur models. While it’d be impossible choose every single standout from the hundreds who have graced the ANTM runway, we’ve managed identify the top 10 girls we’d most a certainly do a double-take over.

For a show with the tagline, ‘Want to Be on Top?’, we already know the answer.  

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