The record has been pretty clear on where Maxim stands on the issue of hot Olympic athletes: We are, as you would expect, all for them. So it’s also no surprise that our ears pricked up when we heard that sexy Lebanese slalom skier Jackie Chamoun had posed topless for a calendar last year, and that a much racier behind-the-scenes video was online. Sure enough, we soon found the video of Jackie galavanting around the snowy peaks of Lebanon wearing nothing but a thong, a smile, and what appears to be a very sturdy rucksack, because even when posing naked for a photo shoot, Olympians are always prepared. The video is right here if you just happen to be interested in things like sexy topless ladies, which, since you’re here, we’re guessing you probably are. Be warned, the video is not safe for work. Unless you work at Maxim, of course, in which case, who are you, and what do you do here? We thought we knew everyone. Oh God are you the one who keeps stealing our lunch from the fridge?
Hot Olympic Skier Jackie Chamoun Posed Topless
And now there's a behind-the-scenes video!