What is the best thing a celebrity can do? Donate money to a soup kitchen? Travel to Haiti? Raise awareness about the genes involved in some breast cancer? Use food stamps to buy mostly limes? No, wrong, wrong, wrong! The most benevolent act a celebrity can undertake is the creation of more beautiful celebrities—to procreate and perpetuate the circle of fabulous, sun-kissed life. Thankfully, many Hollywood stars understand this, and have brought unto the world their beautiful spawn. In appreciation of the selfless propagative work celebrities do to replenish the stocks of the wealthy and glamorous, we’ve compiled a list of the thirteen most beautiful CelebriSpawn, from the stunning Lily Collins to the dramatic Georgia May Jagger. Celebrities—they’re not just like us, because their progeny are dazzling!
Photos by PHOTO BY: James Higgins/ Splash New/ Corbis