English model Iskra Lawrence has been making serious waves as a champion of body positivity lately, refusing to touch up her Instagram pictures and destroying body shamers online. But even the most noble champions of body positivity still have some things that they’re insecure about.
The Aerie model spent some time with StyleLikeU recently to join the website’s “movement for self-acceptance.”
While stripping down, Iskra spoke about all the problems that she’s encountered trying to fit in the modeling world. From doing the “maple syrup diet” at 15, to obsessing with her appearance, Iskra let the world know that a career as a model isn’t as glamorous as it looks to the outside world.
The 25-year-old discussed her initial struggle in the industry, where she was too small to comfortably work for plus-sized agencies, but was too big to find more traditional modeling work. Eventually she was taken on, and now she’s killing it in her professional and personal life.
“I have a wonderful relationship with my boyfriend now, and I think it’s because I feel beautiful,” she said.
We’re happy for her, and totally support her body positivity and personal acceptance. You can see some more pictures of her wonderful curves below.