Jaime King Ruled the 2000s, And Now She’s Totally Nude in This Sexy NSFW Photo Shoot


Jaime King shows she is still queen in a sexy Galore magazine photo shoot.

The 38-year-old Pearl Harbor and Sin City hottie went completely nude for one revealing shot and even nibbled on a tasty treat in another.

The shoot, taken by photographer Jamie Nelson, is inspired by the Seven Deadly Sins. 

“I’ve been rebellious my entire life because I realized I wasn’t going to fit into anybody’s mold,” King told the women’s glossy of her devil-may-care spirit.

“Rebellion can have a negative connotation but to me it’s about saying I’m going to do whatever it takes to learn everything I can, to experience life and every single facet of it by trying different things.”

That appears to apply to posing for sexy photo shoots and, as she revealed, her sexuality.

“I’ve always felt masculine and feminine. I love men and I’ve chosen to be in a heterosexual marriage, but I’ve been in relationships with women and I love women, too.”

Good on her. When you’re this beautiful, why shut yourself off to half the world’s dating population?

See what we mean with her similarly sinful 2008 Maxim shoot, which we threw in as a bonus. 

(Photo: MAXIM)
(Photo: MAXIM)
(Photo: MAXIM)
(Photo: MAXIM)
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