Watch Jennifer Lawrence Grab the Mic on Her Delta Flight and Start a Philadelphia Eagles Chant

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Along with 90 percent of the country, Jennifer Lawrence was rooting for the Philadelphia Eagles to win the Lombardi Trophy at Super Bowl LII. 

The Oscar-winning actress didn’t hesitate to let fellow passengers aboard her L.A.-bound Delta flight know it, either. 

Lawrence sneakily commandeered the plane’s PA system and attempted to get a “Fly, Eagles, fly!” chant going in a video posted to Twitter.

“Everybody, this is not the pilot speaking. This is Jennifer Lawrence,” the star of the pro-Eagles Silver Linings Playbook said loud and proud.   

“It’s February 4th, Super Bowl Sunday, and we all know what that means. Can i please get a ‘fly, Eagles, fly’? Fly, Eagles, fly! Fly, Eagles, fly!”  

It sounds like only a few joined in, but a passenger told People that the lighthearted stunt was a hit. 

“There were a few cheers,” the passenger said. “It was just like a fun, spontaneous chant by Jennifer Lawrence that we definitely appreciated. I think everyone just went along with it, since flights are so boring.”  

We’d take a midair chant led by J-Law any day. 

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