People Magazine has named Kate Upton the sexiest woman alive, confirming that the model’s attractiveness surpasses all other females currently living.
“This is such an honor to me because sexy to me means someone who’s confident and happy, and that’s the person I always strive to be,” Upton said while accepting an actual award for this feat, which was handed out last night at the inaugural People Magazine Awards. “Um, you’re welcome, Justin,” the 22-year-old Upton said as she accepted the award, referring to her current boyfriend, Detroit Tiger Justin Verlander. Kate Upton placed 12th on the Maxim Hot 100.
And while the love-fest for the model/actress/sports enthusiast is widely shared, there is one notable exception: The New York Yankees don’t appreciate Upton’s attending their games and openly rooting for the other team. This August, Upton alleged that the Yankees asked her to remove her Tigers hat while rooting for her boyfriend in the Bronx. This is perfectly acceptable behavior on the part of the Yankees, but mostly on the grounds that no one really looks very good in a baseball hat, and mostly exist so we don’t have to notice that our favorite baseball stars are not only overweight, but are also balding.
Photos by Brock Miller/Splash News/Corbis