Kate Upton Was Almost Swept Away By a Wave During Her Topless SI Swimsuit Edition Shoot

Kate Upton about to get blasted
Screengrab/SI Video

Screengrab/SI Video

Life as a supermodel must be great, but it doesn’t look that hazardous. As she posed topless in Aruba during her Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition photoshoot, Kate Upton learned that sometimes her job actually can be dangerous, especially if the forces of nature come into play.

In a video posted on the magazine’s Swimsuit Edition Instagram, Upton said she wasn’t worried. From her perspective the oncoming wave “didn’t look that large,” she said, “but it must have hit the rock just right.” 

Yeah, it definitely did. As for the danger factor, Upton’s long skirt was part of the problem. “The skirt with all the tulle,” she said, “is very heavy” when it’s wet “and dragged me down.”

It’s obvious in the video that the crew freaked out. “Everybody was very scared,” Upton said. But she quickly bounced back, so to speak, and the shoot continued.

The 2018 Edition is on the stands in time for Valentine’s Day. It features another Maxim fave, Ashley Graham, and—obviously—the safe and hopefully dry Kate Upton

You can also see a few more great shots from her Instagram below.

h/t New York Post

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