Kylie Jenner Brings the Heat With New Blonde Bombshell Instagram Shots

Kylie Jenner Polaroid style



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Kylie Jenner seems to get her Instagram on at the end of the week. Friday she graced her Instagram feed with some new Polaroid-style shots of her with a blonde bob in a pale green slip, and they were an immediate hit with her 83-plus million followers.


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It’s easy to see why — Kylie does blonde shockingly well. Her bobbed look in these new shots gave us a new look at the makeup mogul and social media superstar — mature and sophisticated as opposed to down and dirty.


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There’s no telling what Kylie’s new secret is — could be a photoshoot with a big name photographer, could be a new product line — but we’re pretty sure at this point she could put out a line of Kylie-approved dust pans and they’d sell out within a day. 

Who's watching @revengebody tonight on E! ?! I know I am 😜

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A photo posted by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

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A photo posted by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

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Who are we kidding, though? Blonde, natural brunette, we’re good with whatever Kylie wants to give us.  

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