Kylie Jenner Fans Started a GoFundMe Page to Make Her a Billionaire
Some people think her $900 million net worth isn’t quite enough.

Tragic news emerged last week from Forbes that Kylie Jenner is on the path to becoming the youngest “self-made” billionaire of all time, perhaps soon eclipsing Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
Readers decried injustice, but not because Jenner had amassed such a fortune by peddling “lip kits” with barely any full-time employees or any marketing apart from Instagram posts. It was that the 20-year-old social media phenom was not already a billionaire.
Americans have rallied around the luscious-lipped entrepreneur, and Internet funnyman The Fat Jew started a mock GoFundMe page titled “Let’s Get Kylie Jenner to a Billion”.
“Kylie Jenner was on the cover of Forbes Magazine today for having a net worth of 900 million dollars, which is heartbreaking,” the page reads.
“I don’t want to live in a world where Kylie Jenner doesn’t have a billion dollars. WE MUST RAISE 100 MILLION DOLLARS TO HELP HER GET TO A BILLION, PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD, THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.”
The fundraiser has only collected $1,888 of its $100 million goal, but people are not losing faith. Here, some of the funniest reactions on Twitter.
we need to raise $100 million to give to Kylie Jenner so she’s a full billionaire! let’s fucking go! let’s send a message! no negativity 🙏🙏🙏
— Lead Actor from Pixar’s Sodas (@ByYourLogic) July 11, 2018
Skipping my child support payments to help this fierce female become an iconic billionaire! I believe my daughters would support this if I were allowed contact with them!!!!
— Birdy (@palebirdy) July 11, 2018
Others were not as amused.
people really started a gofundme for kylie Jenner to reach a billion dollars when flint STILL doesn’t have clean water and puerto rico is STILL struggling…. y’all really are ignorant to modern day problems and put your money into anything it’s crazy
— Em 💛 (@emmuhlxy) July 13, 2018
Good morning to everyone except the people who started a GoFundMe to donate $100M to make Kylie Jenner a billionaire.
— MDA (@beingmda) July 13, 2018
The fact that there’s a gofundme account to get Kylie Jenner to become a billionaire just shows how stupid and ignorant modern day society has become to the real problems in this world. There’s so many in need but it’s all about the image. It makes me sick.
— Bendall like Beckham (@MatthewBendall1) July 13, 2018
There are people starving, without homes or families, dying of disease and living in a country of war yet there is a GoFundMe for Kylie Jenner to get to billionaire status? Fuck this
— Kirsty (@CiorstaidhC) July 13, 2018