Kylie Jenner Fans Started a GoFundMe Page to Make Her a Billionaire

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Tragic news emerged last week from Forbes that Kylie Jenner is on the path to becoming the youngest “self-made” billionaire of all time, perhaps soon eclipsing Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Readers decried injustice, but not because Jenner had amassed such a fortune by peddling “lip kits” with barely any full-time employees or any marketing apart from Instagram posts. It was that the 20-year-old social media phenom was not already a billionaire.

Americans have rallied around the luscious-lipped entrepreneur, and Internet funnyman The Fat Jew started a mock GoFundMe page titled “Let’s Get Kylie Jenner to a Billion”. 

“Kylie Jenner was on the cover of Forbes Magazine today for having a net worth of 900 million dollars, which is heartbreaking,” the page reads.

“I don’t want to live in a world where Kylie Jenner doesn’t have a billion dollars. WE MUST RAISE 100 MILLION DOLLARS TO HELP HER GET TO A BILLION, PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD, THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.”

The fundraiser has only collected $1,888 of its $100 million goal, but people are not losing faith. Here, some of the funniest reactions on Twitter.

Others were not as amused.

h/t Cosmopolitan

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