Watch Two Models Erotically Feed Each Other Ceviche in Freaky ‘Miami Vice’-Themed Video

Shannon Barker Nadia Mejia
Image: Instagram/chrisapplebaum

Image: Instagram/chrisapplebaum

Chris Applebaum’s latest food porn-y EATS video just upped up the erotic ante with his weirdest clip yet.

On the one hand, it features two bikini-clad babes—2016 Miss California winner Nadia Mejia and Instagram beauty Shannon Barker— getting all up in each other’s personal space, which is definitely pretty hot…  

But for some reason, they’re also spooning what appears to be fresh ceviche into each other’s mouths to the Miami Vice theme song. 

Ceviche, for those of you who don’t get out much, is a Peruvian specialty of marinated raw fish or seafood, so we guess this South American dish makes sense for a Miami Vice tribute, but it’s still weird AF. 

It’s even stranger than his clip of Kelsie Smeby eating celery and vegetables. And yes, we were totally down with that one, too. 

Dude has definitely got a formula. Give Applebaum a follow for more food-themed erotica, and check out Mejia and Barker’s fiery feeds as well. Here’s a sampling: 

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