For every menacing pair of laser eyes sitting atop an impenetrable metal frame, there’s a badass chick ready to kick robot butt. Enter Terminator Salvation’s Moon Bloodgood. Following in the action-heroine footsteps of Linda Hamilton’s iconic Sarah Connor is no easy gig, but the terminally cool Moon—who plays ballsy fighter pilot Blair Williams—takes it all with a wry smile. Having started out as a Laker Girl at only 17, she’s no stranger to being the center of attention. Listen in as the half-Korean, half-Dutch-Irish, all-bombshell talks F-bomb-dropping costars, horny robots, and Thai Ping-Pong balls.
You have a robot kiss in the movie. You’re not into hooking up with robot dudes in real life, are you?
Does a robot have a tongue? I just wonder if making love would be robotic. I’m definitely not into that. Listen, every woman likes a hard body, but that takes it to a whole other level.
At a convention the director, McG, mentioned what sounded like a crazy outdoor topless scene. Was that tough to shoot?
It was extremely cold, and the rain machine was freezing. I couldn’t stop shivering, but when the cameras roll, you have to be still. I’m not inhibited about my sexuality or nudity as long as it’s done in a non-demeaning context.
Moon Bloodgood
Who needs the Governator when you’ve got the scorching-hot Moon Bloodgood burning up the screen in Terminator Salvation? Apocalypse wow!