Pamela Anderson has been fighting a difficult battle with Hepatitis C for the past 16 years — but as of Saturday, she’s officially cured. After revealing that she started an FDA-approved regimen this summer, the Baywatch beauty followed up with some great news on Instagram.
A photo posted by The Pamela Anderson Foundation (@pamelaanderson) on
Nov 6, 2015 at 5:12pm PST
Anderson, 48, posted a radiant nude shot along with the caption “I am CURED!!! – I just found out #nomorehepc #thankyou #blessing #family #prayer #live I pray anyone living with Hep C can qualify or afford treatment. It will be more available soon. I know treatment is hard to get still…#dontlosehope #itworkedforme #thereisacure #love #happy #americanliverfoundation #celebration #Idontknowwhattodo #iwanttohelp #cannes #iloveboats #onthesea #free.”
Cheers to that.