Pornhub has consistently strived to do more than just provide the world with countless hours of free porn, and their latest effort comes in the form of Pornhub-branded personal lubricant.
What makes Pornhub lube so damn special? We’re not really sure, but we do know the smut giant erected a 150-foot-long water slide in Agua Dulce, California and drenched in in 110 gallons of lube for a posse of bikini-clad pornstars (and a couple lucky guys) to enjoy on a sunny day, and in a stroke of genius, filmed the entire fiasco to use as an ad.
Pornhub vice president Corey Price made the statement in a press release regarding their namesake lube:
“The launch of our lubricants line is a big but rational move for us. At Pornhub, we’re all about the user experience. Until now, we’ve been laser-focused on delivering that through best-in-class content. With the launch of our lubricants line, we are further enhancing that experience through product – and bridging the online and at-home Pornhub experience. For those sick of using lotions, we’ve got the potions – and we’re greased up about the launch.”
Even if you have no intention of using this lube, it’s worth giving this video a few views.
H/T Uproxx