Rihanna Gives Dating Advice to a Guy Who Slid Into Her DMs at 2 AM

Celebrities who have open DMs on social media likely get thousands of messages daily. A smokeshow like Rihanna probably gets a ton of unwanted messages from guys who hilariously think they have a chance or just want to perv on her. Recently, though, one guy came at her from a totally different angle and her compassionate response impressed even longtime fans.
The singer, whose own relationship issues with Drake—and even worse, Chris Brown—have been painfully public, received a message Twitter user @WaladShami in which he asked her how she dealt with her first relationship bust up because his own was challenging.
He screencapped the exchange to reveal what happened next:
It’s kind of moving to see a famous and beautiful pop star was thoughtful enough to take a minute and let the dude know she saw him, heard him, and had some wisdom about the situation.
Twitter users agreed:
Nobody should expect Rihanna’s still sitting there waiting to dispense more hard-won knowledge about handling a split, but it’s good to see fame hasn’t affected her down-to-earth, common sense, caring side at all.
Let’s face it, that’s also damn good advice. Wise and it turns the situation upside down in a positive way. If Rihanna does h anymore of that to give, sounds like everyone might want to sit up and listen.
h/t UniLad