Charli XCX is having quite a year. The 22-year-old sing-screamer has had a hit summer jam, released a brand new album, and almost killing a rising R&B star. While filming the video for her new duet with Rita Ora, “Doing It,” a remix of CharliXCX’s single from her new album Sucker, Charli crashed the pink Barbie truck that the two had climbed into to film scenes in the desert.
“I nearly killed both of us on the set by crashing this Barbie truck into the middle of the desert,” Charli told The Daily Mail, which is a hell of a quote if you think about it.
Remember to buckle up next time you get into a bright pink death trap!
The video of the two of them should be dropping sometime this week, but in the meantime, may we suggest checking out Rita Ora’s most recent slideshow? CharliXCX’s new album, Sucker, is also available now. It’s totally amazing.
Photos by Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP