Ronda Rousey, the UFC women’s champion, former Maxim cover model, and actress in Furious 7 and the upcoming Entourage movie, is publishing her first book soon. My Fight/Your Fight, out on May 12th, has already sold thousands of pre-order copies – but Walmart is refusing to stock it on their shelves, deeming Rousey “too violent.”
The New York Post reported the news on Friday, while TMZ confirmed today that the book’s available for pre-order on Walmart’s website. We’ve reached out to the retail giant and noted ammunition seller for confirmation as to why Rousey’s been singled out for violence. Walmart spokeperson Danit Marquardt insisted that “there are a variety of factors that we look at when determining what items to offer our customers” and that the “average Walmart supercenter sells 150,000 items whereas offers 7 million items.”
In the meantime, check out Rousey’s ace fighting tips in “How to Punch Like a Girl.”