What a Beautiful Girl Wants: Aspen Maye

"If I see someone of interest, I’ll flash a smile and make eye contact."

If you’re one of the many dedicated voters who helped place Aspen Maye in the finals of this year’s “Maxim Cover Girl” competition, this one’s for you. 

The Divide-signed model has lived all over the country—from small-town Iowa and Northern California to her current residence in New York City. Maye has appeared in Cosmopolitan and Modern Salon, but her proudest credit is the cover of rising fashion mag The Impression.  

Learn about Maye’s love of Fortnite, crush on Adriana Lima, dream date and more below: 

How can someone catch your attention?

Be yourself! I like someone who is comfortable in their own skin—goofy and sweet but with a sense of confidence.

What’s the worst pickup line you’ve ever heard?

Honestly, I can’t think of anyone using one on me! But if you use one on me, make it super cheesy!

Noted! How do you let someone know you’re interested?

If I see someone of interest, I’ll flash a smile and make eye contact. I’m super obvious. 

Tell us about your ideal date.

I love trying new foods and being able to get to know you at the same time. I’m the kind of woman who enjoys a good meal, so bonus points if you can cook.   

When do you feel sexiest?

I feel sexiest with no makeup on, wavy hair, wearing jeans, a tee shirt and a good ole pair of converse. I find comfort sexy.

Who’s your biggest celebrity crush, male or female?

My woman crush is Adriana Lima! Her career is so inspirational. Watching her strut down the runway, training with such intensity…she seems to be an all around beautiful person and, I would to meet/work with her one day.

Excellent choice. What’s your favorite thing to do in the bedroom?

My favorite thing to do in the bedroom is play Fortnite, I mean who doesn’t like to play games? But on a serious note, that’s between me and my loved one.

And what should a person never do in the bedroom?

Don’t be on your phone when a significant other is in the room, be there in the moment and enjoy quality time together.

Lastly, what’s your guiltiest pleasure?

My guiltiest pleasure is indulging in my favorite (not always so healthy) foods. That said, a burger with all the fixings and side of fries. Living in NYC, I dine at some of the best restaurants  world. 

For more, follow Aspen on Instagram

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