What a Beautiful Woman Wants: Krista Tcherneva

Krista Tcherneva Promo
Florian Sommet

Florian Sommet

Say “hallo” to Krista Tcherneva, a Germany-based beauty who was featured in our recent coverage of erotic photographer Markus Henttonen’s work. 

In addition to starring in a career-topping campaign for makeup giant Sephora, Tcherneva has been the face of ads for big German brands including Ovvo optics and Lemai Berlin jewelry. 

On top of that, she has also landed spreads in international editions of fashion mags including Harpers Bazaar and Amica. 

Find out about Tcherneva’s celebrity girl crush, dream date and more below: 

How can a man catch your attention?

I really love is who knows he’s accomplished and has self-confidence. But I also hate it when a man thinks he’s the greatest. It’s a very fine line… 

What’s the worst pick-up line you’ve ever heard?

“You look so sad, and I can make you happy.” What the hell?! I never look sad…why would anyone say that?

Agreed. How do you let a man know you’re interested?

If I see or meet someone I really want to know better, I never take my eyes off of him. It works for me every time. 

Tell us about your dream date. 

I’m really old school when it comes to a date. I like to get myself ready, to put a nice dress on and be picked up for a dinner. You can’t go wrong with that, guys.  

What about a man turns you on the most?

His laugh

Interesting! When do you feel sexiest?

Every time I put high heels on.

Who’s your biggest celebrity crush?

Angelina Jolie!

What’s on your favorite music playlist?

AThe Weeknd.

Do you have a favorite athlete or sports team?

The German soccer team, of course.

What fashion brands do you like the best?

There are so many. It kind of depends on my budget. If I had $5,000 to spend, I would go to Balmain and buy a few dresses. Otherwise, I love online shopping.

What’s your favorite meal?

I die for a good burger and I also love Italian food. Unfortunately everything I love has way too many calories.

What’s your favorite thing to do in the bedroom?

Next question?

What should a man never do in the bedroom?

Leaving his socks on…horror! 

Any sexy fantasies?

Not really. 

What’s your guiltiest pleasure?

Gonna keep that as my secret. 

For more, follow Krista on Instagram.  

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