What a Beautiful Girl Wants: Mikaela Hoover

“A man should never pretend to be someone he’s not to impress a woman.”


(Photo: Anthony Evans)

Mikaela Hoover is always a fun interview. Last year, we chatted with the pouty-lipped stunner about her budding acting career, clearly still going strong with a role in the upcoming comedy Airplane Mode.

So we knew we had to play catch-up to find out how to win her over, where to take her on that important first date, and how to totally kill it in the bedroom. Listen and learn, folks:

How can a man catch your eye?
Confidence. Seeing a good-looking guy is nice, but nothing tops seeing a man with swagger.

(Photo: Sheenon)

Got it. What turns you on?
I love a big smile. Also, I tend to be a sucker for baseball caps. Does that count?

(Photo: Sheenon)

Definitely. What else?
Men that are passionate about life and their place in it make the best lovers. A sense of humor also goes a long way. It’s nice when you are with a guy who can find the humor in touch situations and be comfortable enough in his own skin that he can laugh at himself.

(Photo: Sheenon)

What turns you off?
When a guy is too well-groomed. I guess that as a girl from Washington state, I am attracted to a little scruff and men who are able to roll out of bed, throw on a baseball cap, and call it a day.

(Photo: Sheenon)

Again with the baseball caps, huh? What are some other red flags?
Men that are too self-involved or that take themselves too seriously. If you have a selfie with your shirt off on your Instagram, this applies to you.

(Photo: Anthony Evans)

Noted. What’s your ideal date?
To me, nothing beats McDonalds and a scary movie at home.

(Photo: Anthony Evans)

Sounds like fun. What should a man never do on a date?
A man should never pretend to be someone he’s not to impress a woman. There is nothing sexier than an authentic man with integrity. Be who you are from the start. No games. No bullshit.

(Photo: Anthony Evans)

When do you feel sexiest?
I always feel sexiest when I’m comfortable, which more often than not is when I am in sweats and without any makeup.

(Photo: Anthony Evans)

The people want to know: Is there such a thing as too much foreplay?
A lady doesn’t talk about matters of the bed in public.

(Photo: Anthony Evans)

C’mon, there’s gotta be some advice you can give us.
Persistent are you? Okay if you must know, I like it when a guy takes control. Remember, I am attracted to confident and passionate men who know what they want.

And what should a man never do in the bedroom?
Show insecurity, especially about his body. If a girl is with you in bed, she chose you for a reason! I don’t care if you have a beer gut and are hairier than expected. As long as you rock what you’ve got, you’re good to go.

(Photo: Anthony Evans)

We like your attitude. Lastly, what’s your ultimate fantasy?
Last year, I was lucky enough to shoot a film in Colombia. While there, we had a week off so I traveled into the jungle and other remote areas in the North. I want to return there someday with my future lover. 

(Photo: Sheenon)

For more of the beautiful Mikaela Hoover, join the ranks of her loyal 210,000 Instagram followers. You know you want to.
